Group Blogs are...

"A collaborative blog is a type of weblog which publishes posts written by multiple users. The majority of high profile collaborative blogs are based around a single uniting theme, such as politics or technology."

Source: Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved July 30, 2008, from

Example of Group Blog by Teachers

  1. Maths Blog for Class 2E (Class Blog) [2008: Paik Xin Yi, Nan Chiau High]

Examples using Group Blogs

  1. Statistics - Average (Primary/Secondary)
  2. Concept of Area (Primary/Secondary)
  3. Whole Numbers (Primary/Secondary)
  4. Graphical Representation of Data (Secondary)
  5. Probability (Secondary)
  6. Algebra - Which is a Larger Magnitude? (Secondary)
  7. Numbers - Applications of Numbers in Practical Situations (Secondary)